Washington Post Slide Show
from hordes of liberal minions.
It appears that the Corporate Media is completely beside itself. They seem to have no idea how to react to people gathering en masse to undercut their message. Today they spent their time focusing on the more familiar hate rallies rather than folks choosing to get along and have a little fun.
After all, their winning formula always has been: Panic Sells. And nothing sells panic like fear.
Did this rally get wide coverage in the news today? No, of course not. It's against their bottom line best interests to show people taking charge of their own psychic well being. Why that might give the rest of the country uppity ideas. It has all the redolence of "Odeur Pathetique"
So today was spent covering celebrity news, gossip, the President's political impotence and YEMEN TERROR PLOT, TERROR TERROR TERROR!!!
More time was spent today discussing Charlie Sheen's coked up nudity than hundreds of thousands of Americans celebrating sanity.
CNN resorted to streaming cartoon character Ted Nugent ranting about Democrats literally being evil. And discussing Sarah Palin at TeaBagger rally, as if those things have not already been "done to death". Real news, like hundreds of thousands of people on the mall having a laugh at their expense, doesn't seem to compute.
Yes, this does show that a large segment of people are completely out of touch with America. Unfortunately, it's the Corporate Media.
Anyone considering themselves both ethical and journalists, would do well to abandon this rotten corpse and find a job reporting the news.
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