
Internet Kill Switch? We don't need no stinkin' Internet Kill Switch.

The Curmudgeon can't be a party dude 24/7. Public Service is my middle name.

Okay, it's not my middle name. I mostly don't give a fuck about any of you. But those I actively dislike are generally the bullying sort. And while I don't care enough about most people to waste energy on them for good or ill, those I actively dislike I'd spend a little energy lifting a finger for.
The little guy- read: poor, powerless, fugly, minority, unlucky, stupid, lacking social connections, always gets screwed so them belonging to the lucky sperm and egg club or the ruthless climber club can have everything they want.

In Egypt, the little guy finally stood up after 30 years and said "Bugger all, I'm tired of this bullshit, let's have a government that works for the people." And the government responded: "Eat your broccoli and go directly to bed. No Intertubes for you."

But, being determined and scrappy, the protesters in Egypt found some creative ways around the internet shutdown. Fax, Morse Code, land line internet service.

If they had considered the possibility of a shutdown beforehand, they could have prepared.

Since the American Government is currently considering an Internet Kill Switch - to protect us from "the turrurist" ya know... wink, wink- you might be well served to consider some fairly easy work-arounds in advance of landing.


"Providing local information during an “internet kill switch”.

Due to recent events in Egypt and the speed of the shutdown. Most of these projects are open to contribution and further development.

And good old Anon offers this:

Then there's the dial up:
Free dial-up with software (ad driven, but free) if you can dial out of Egypt to the USA.

Login: Username: guest Password: password

Here is a few from the list:
Bainbridge: (206) 312-1000
Bainbridge: (206) 312-1500
Bainbridge: (206) 312-2500
Bainbridge: (206) 312-3700
Bellevue: (425) 786-1000
Bellevue: (425) 786-1111
Bellevue: (425) 786-7777
Bellevue: (425) 786-5073
DNS Servers: Primary: Secondary:

The obvious flaw here is the cost of an international call. Google Voice, however would take care of that.

Privacy software, much of it free.

Tor Project

Read more, learn more at the Electronic Frontier Foundation

Consider that my half-assed contribution to the cause. Now go away.

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