
Sarah Palin Condom



Ah, yes. The circle squared.


If The Beatles Were Discovered by the Music Industry in 2011

Celebrating Independence From Religious Oppression


The Rapture Has Begun

Everyone who has lived their life as Jesus instructed has been taken to heaven.
But, since no one has been taken to heaven... well, I think you can figure it out.


They've made a horrible mistake

Do you have any idea what we've done? We dumped Bin Laden's moldering corpse into the ocean where it will mix with oil from the BP spill and radiation from Fukushima calling forth a radioactive zombie terrorist apocalypse.


Have you seen this cat?

We cynically use references to youth drug culture so you will give us your money. We're Cool That Way.

Oh The Blondes...

EPA raises limits for radiation exposure. Canada turns off fallout detectors.

Natural News points out the obvious:

Fukushima, you see, is doing to the Pacific Ocean what BP and the Deepwater Horizon did to the Gulf of Mexico last summer. Except that in the case of Fukushima, that radiation doesn't just disappear with the help of millions of gallons of toxic chemicals. Nope, that radiation sticks around for decades.

So what to do? If you're the United States Environment Protection Agency, there's only one option: Declare radiation to be safe!

And not to belittle Mr. Adams outrage, but that radiation doesn't stick around for decades. Some of it is gone in days, weeks. But some of it... the kidney losing kind... is here for hundreds of thousands of years. Or to put it another way - A FUCKING REALLY LONG TIME.

Exempli Gratia: US EPA and Canada

5,000 march on banks in San Francisco

Where is the "Media" coverage? Seems it's covering corporate asses.

Kudos to Green 960 AM in San Francisco. Journalistic integrity is not lost.