
That Crazy Peace Love Train Rolls On Amid the Last Gasps of Relevance in the Corporate Propaganda Machine

Washington Post Slide Show
from hordes of liberal minions.

It appears that the Corporate Media is completely beside itself. They seem to have no idea how to react to people gathering en masse to undercut their message. Today they spent their time focusing on the more familiar hate rallies rather than folks choosing to get along and have a little fun.

After all, their winning formula always has been: Panic Sells. And nothing sells panic like fear.

Did this rally get wide coverage in the news today? No, of course not. It's against their bottom line best interests to show people taking charge of their own psychic well being. Why that might give the rest of the country uppity ideas. It has all the redolence of "Odeur Pathetique"

So today was spent covering celebrity news, gossip, the President's political impotence and YEMEN TERROR PLOT, TERROR TERROR TERROR!!!

More time was spent today discussing Charlie Sheen's coked up nudity than hundreds of thousands of Americans celebrating sanity.

CNN resorted to streaming cartoon character Ted Nugent ranting about Democrats literally being evil. And discussing Sarah Palin at TeaBagger rally, as if those things have not already been "done to death". Real news, like hundreds of thousands of people on the mall having a laugh at their expense, doesn't seem to compute.

Yes, this does show that a large segment of people are completely out of touch with America. Unfortunately, it's the Corporate Media.

 Anyone considering themselves both ethical and journalists, would do well to abandon this rotten corpse and find a job reporting the news.


Why Would the US Army Need 90 grams of a Hallucinogenic Chemical Warfare Drug?

Quinuclidinyl Benzilate Link to Wikipedia, where it is listed as: Extremely persistent in soil and water and on most surfaces; contact hazard.

From The Wednesday Report:

Ketchum describes the first stage of BZ incapacitation, which lasts up to 4 hours, as characterized by feelings of discomfort and apprehension, manifested through extreme restlessness, muscle spasms in the extremities, and "bird-like flapping of the arms". The second stage lasting from 4 to 12 hours is marked by a sedated, stuporous inactivity. Individuals may sleep or appear to sleep and respond only to forceful stimulation, and alternatively may grope or crawl spontaneously after periods of lying still. The most extreme effects occur 12 hours after exposure: hallucinations take over individual perception and real events and objects are either ignored or grossly misinterpreted. Complex paranormal hallucinations continue 24 to 48 hours after exposure which can be merely amusing or intensely frightening. Attempts to converse with people not actually present can occur, and vertical objects can be misinterpreted for people. Ketchum concludes that there is "little difference how intelligent, adventurous, self-confident or competitive the individual might be; the agent apparently disables the strong and weak impartially without prejudice" (WWW2 cit. Ketchum 1963).

If you got a little stash to spare, the US Army needs you..... to Paaaar-tay!

Hey Dude, Awesome News!

How to Make Your Son a Nancy Pants.

Hey Ma! I'm joining the Glee club!

Are You Being Serviced?

Down on the farm, when you want more chickens or goats or pigs, you can't just go to the grocery store and buy them. Well you can, but it's cheaper and easier to make more at home.

In order to do that, you bring in the appropriate critter to 'service' the animals you need to multiply.

Turn them loose in a pen, wait a given amount of time and voila! Bacon! Or Eggs or whatever.

Now, do yourself a favor. Go back and read the stories about banks "servicing" consumer loans and mortgages by way of "servicing" agreements.

At that point it becomes very clear what has happened to this country.



Yer Average TeaBagger's Understanding of the Physics of Heat and Light.

So, the International Code Council is meeting in Charlotte, North Carolina this week. You can watch the live webcast if you are so inclined. If you are lucky, maybe some bored fool will steal a car from the NASCAR Hall of Fame across the street and fashion it into a Deathmobile. Then maybe they'll can drive it  through the crowd to liven things up a bit.

Why don'tcha ICC my ass!

Here, various architects, engineers, the folks from the International Residential Code's (IRC's) Energy Chapter and the International Energy Conservation Code (IECC) meet to discuss proposed changes to the code. These proposals are voted on by the council and ratified by other council members, along with state and county officials who are supposed to enforce the decisions made. Also represented are folks from various state Home Builders Associations. Exciting, exciting stuff.

So today, among the various proposals floated was lowering the U-Value of window glass from .40 to .20. Like I said, piss your pants exciting. Basically U-Value measures a window's ability to reduce heat loss from inside your house in the winter. Less heat lost means more money saved by the home owner.

You lower U-values by using 2 panes separated by a spacer. Or filling the space with various gases. It's meant to help keep heat in. That's all.

During the "debate" on how much of the new code proposals should be ratified, a representative of the Texas Home Builders Association makes his deep displeasure evident to the assembled body. He took exception to the recommendations for increased energy efficiency, saying he didn't see the point. He didn't like all these new requirements being shoved down his throat by the Gub'mint. His thinking held that, after next Tuesday, "none of this stuff is going to be enforced anyway".

In his grand vision, the results of next Tuesday's election would have a Republican Tsunami wash over the country; returning us to the BushCo. days of easy oil and lawless abandon.

Never mind that this is the International Code Council. I'm sure his understanding of Foreign Relations and International Policy is on par with Gover Palin's. (half term = half title) And never mind that these codes were in place before the current "Colored" President. And mostly never mind that the Code is enforced by State Law, not by Federal Mandate. Facts? Forget facts, he was on a roll.

"Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor? Hell no!"
"Forget it, he's rolling."

Further, he complained, this was going to cost builders and cost the people paying the builders. And, he said, if they kept requiring lower and lower U-Values, the glass would finally become so dark, nobody would be able to see out their damned windows!

On my Mother's grave, this is what. he. said.

And I only have one thing to say in response: If any more of these brainless gits makes it into a position of real power, may what gods exist have mercy on us all.

From the "No Shit, Sherlock" file: US bankrupt.

Seems somebody has put on their party hat early

Boston University economist Laurence Kotlikoff says U.S. government debt is not $13.5-trillion (U.S.), which is 60 per cent of current gross domestic product, as global investors and American taxpayers think, but rather 14-fold higher: $200-trillion – 840 per cent of current GDP. “Let’s get real,” Prof. Kotlikoff says. “The U.S. is bankrupt.”

How bad is it really Prof?

Prof. Kotlikoff says: “The IMF is saying that, to close this fiscal gap [by taxation], would require an immediate and permanent doubling of our personal income taxes, our corporate taxes and all other federal taxes.

Howz about instead....just talking out loud here....howz about we ACTUALLY TAX corporations? In real terms that flatheads like me can understand, corporations pay next to nothing in taxes. They get something the middle and lower classes don't, called "breaks". Cities, states and the good old US of A will even lower or negate the taxes they pay in order to stay on their good side.

And howz about we raise taxes on the rich back up to where they were, say... oh... about Nixon? I don't think we need to go all the way back to Roosevelt's rate of a 93% tax rate on the wealthy. But keeping them on Reagan's Wealthfare rate of effectively 15%, isn't working for anybody..... except the rich, of course.

Nixon's 70% tax seems a reasonable compromise.

You want the economy to pull out of it's nose dive? TAX THE RICH


Well, Ain't That a Kick in the Nads. We're More Corrupt Than The Belgians?

Transparency International has posted the results of 13 independent surveys to tell us something completely unsurprising: We haven't been a 1st World Country in a very long time.

Minimalist Poverty is the New Chic

The Corporate Propaganda Machine is geared up early this morning.

CBS is relating how much happier and more deeply spiritually satisfied we'll all be with less stuff.

How bloody convenient, since more and more of us are no longer able to afford stuff. I'm looking forward to seeing how they spin our inability to buy food.

You too can be a skeleton!


This Is Bob Villa's JackAss.

This video is HORRIFYING!

dude, that was AWESOME!!!!! i like how it was educational but suspenseful, lol=] btw, NEVER SHOW THIS TO YOUR MOM!!!!

Rand Paul is an Overly Priviledged Asshat

and his blind followers should be shot like the rabid dogs they are.

The man thinks the government should have stayed out of BP's business. And that if any business wants to discriminate against you or yours, then that's their right.

He lives in Kentucky, but has no clue why Harlan County MIGHT be some place worth knowing about as he stumps for votes across the state he's supposed to represent.

He's never wanted for anything. Never had to work a fucking day in his life and so he never did.

His followers think it's manly to hold a woman down and stomp on her head and neck because she dares question their candidate. The cowardly bastards should be horsewhipped.

BP hooks up with that chick with the "crazy eyes" - You know... the TeaBagger

BP Funding Tea Party Favorites

So, the politicians labeling themselves: Anti-corporate and Honesty in Government are taking the Planet Killer's money?

Well, kiss my ass and call me Shirley. That's a fine kettle of pre-oiled fish.

NY "Vandalism"

That seems to be what they're calling Honesty these days.

Honorable Thieves

And No, I'm NOT Talking About ANYBODY In DC or Wall Street.

Laptop thief backs up victim's data, mails it to him

from the CNET article:

For around a week later, the professor says he received an envelope. Inside was a USB stick. Did this hold information about a rival professor's indiscretions with his comely students? Did it hold images of Tiger Woods on a private trip to Sweden?
No, it held all the data from his laptop. The thief, it appears, took pity and spent perhaps hours making sure that the professor got all of his unbacked-up information back.

The world is a harsh, unforgiving place, in which we lose far more than we win. But if this thief would merely open a university program for thieves, then surely the world's karmic balance might be shifted for once in a healthy direction.


Marriages Survive Longest On Ignorance

ScienceNews reports that

...evidence lends support to a hypothesis that accuracy in predicting each other’s preferences decreases over the course of a relationship despite greater time and opportunity to learn about each other’s likes and dislikes. 
 Older couples’ knowledge decline partly reflects a tendency by partners to pay increasingly less attention to one another, because they view their relationship as firmly committed or assume that they have little left to learn about each other, the researchers propose.
Here's an alternative hypothesis: Ignoring them keeps you from smothering them  with a pillow while they sleep.

"Don't shove beans up your nose."

--from a sign in my 8th grade History class. It still applies. 

Seriously? You have to tell an 8th grader not to put beans up his nose? Shortbus much?

Don't Act So Surprised. You Know It's True.

Makes complete sense.

Longview OR, just outside of Portland, has instituted a fine of $1000.00 for violating the new "street camping" ordinance.

Common sense might suggest if the "street campers" had $1000.00, then they probably would NOT be "street camping" in the first place.

So, inevitably, when the "street campers" cannot pay the fine, they are sent to a privately owned corporate prison. Here they work for $0.25 an hour with profit from their labor going to the corporation. And the cherry on top? They are housed at a rate of $40,000.00 per year expense to the taxpayers.

'Ay bugger off. Don't look at us. We belong to an anarcho-syndicalist-collective.

You know, I'm beginning to think that's not such a bad idea. Grubbing around in the muck for piles of filth we own, versus the ones being heaped on us by them idjits in high places.


Oh My God! Another Cranky Bastard That Gets It. THANK YOU!

From The New York Crank
One of the reasons you and I and other ordinary American citizens are taxed so much and still live in a country with a huge Federal deficit is because multi-billion dollar American corporations are taxed so little.

They move money around — around Europe and the Caribbean — to make their tax liabilities disappear.

According to Bloomberg news, Google and other U.S. corporations are ripping off the taxpayer to the tune of $60 billion. Now Facebook is about to follow. And there are still others.

The upshot? We work for them, we buy their products. Which means: we make them rich. And they play shell games so they won't have to pony up their share?

From one irritated bastard to another: I salute you, sir.

The Best Democracy Money Can Buy

For them that's got the money.

After a decade of this story floating around, after the worker bees lost their 401K retirement in the Stock Market shenanigans, now the Washington Post decides to give it a nod.

Seems there are judges who, out of the "goodness of their hearts", have decided never to rule in favor of the investor when they make complaints against the Commodity Futures Trading Commission.

It's from the Simpson's you idiot.

What is the going rate for a Soul these days anyway?


Savage Austerity

Sounds like a chartered accountancy romance novel.

from SquawkRadio

But alas, nothing so fun or engaging. Instead it's a more financially graphic explanation of how you are about to get screwed from William Buiter Citigroup Inc.’s chief economist. And looks a little more like this.


GOP State Rep.Crusades Against College Sex Ed while CFO of Biz Selling Kinky Toys

It's like raaaaiiin, on your wedding day....... because there isn't a pop song called "Hypocrisy"

As the Atlanta Journal Constitution reports in -
Of sex gadgets, divorce papers and 14th century gunpowder

According to Hill:

“Our public colleges are not the place for our young adults and future leaders to experiment and experience these types of sexually explicit behavior,”

Now I ask you....if they can't learn what a Dirty Sanchez is in college, where the hell will they learn?
Dirty Sanchez

Tragic and Telling Political Fun Fact for Today

There are five financial lobbyists 
for each member of congress.

image courtesy of politicalwhore.com


You cannot make this shit up.

A mailer from Ian Cumming's campaign. Here is his Campaign Site.

For a nation of laws, white-collar criminals generally don't spend a lot of time in jail

But then, can Masters of the Universe actually do time?

America Gripped By Moral Crisis, Says the Pot

It's sad when a country that's even deeper into the Fascists Leading Indicators than yours, starts calling you morally corrupt.

And its even sadder when you can't really argue

from The Australian

No, not that Australian, you worthless git.


Why you were right to be afraid of the Communists.

Karl Marx - 1867

“Owners of capital will stimulate the working class to buy more and more expensive goods, houses and technology, pushing them to take more and more expensive credits, until debt becomes unbearable. The unpaid debt will lead to the bankruptcy of banks, which will have to be nationalized, and the State will have to take the road which will eventually lead to Communism. ”

Young Karl Marx

Scary smart and obviously a ladies man in his youth.

Oh, awkwaaaard......

But then again, could be useful at the Kinder Kid re-enactment of the Stations of the Cross.

Colorectal cancer linked to smoking. Effect increased in Butt-Heads

And from 2nd hand contact in those who regularly get smoke blown up their ass.

From CBC News

The study included more than 1,400 participants. Researchers followed 702 newly diagnosed colorectal cancer cases between 1999 and 2003. They were matched with 717 control cases. All participants answered questionnaires regarding tobacco and alcohol consumption.

Turned out of the Peoples' House: Another Unfortunate Foreclosure

Rich Whitey on Ballot in the Illinois Governor's Race

And is anyone here surprised by that?

The Whitey...Whitney in question.

From WLS - 890 AM (home of Rush Limbaugh; Uberman of the Rich Whitey)

Election officials in Chicago say Green Party candidate Rich Whitney is listed as Rich "Whitey" on some electronic-voting machines in Chicago.

Now, excuse me if I'm making presumptions, but doesn't this sound like a Rovian idea of a handsome joke? Ya know, subverting elections and all.


Proof that Tech Spec Writers are sadist.

Reality sucks. Get over it.

Man Electrocuted Working on Rainbow

From WFTV.com Florida Man Electrocuted Working on Fair Ride.

A Florida man has been electrocuted while setting up a ride at the South Carolina State Fair in Columbia.

Multiple media outlets reported 43-year-old Roger Thompson of Brooksville, Fla., was performing electronics work on The Rainbow ride when he was electrocuted about 3:30 p.m. Monday.

Yeah, I know. I'm going straight to Hell.

Signs of the Coming Apocolypse: New York Times Fresh Out of Ideas.

From the NYTimes: Idea of the Day

Tom Kuntz

October 11, 2010, 7:00 am

This Blog’s Final Post

A note to readers: This post is the last for the Idea of the Day blog...

Need a Job? Odd Jobs: Captain Beefheart

Living in a "Deflation Economy" (heard on the street)

Deflation is everywhere. Just not the stuff you need and buy on a regular basis.

Word is, you can live very cheaply by shopping out of a dumpster.  And at highly deflated prices!

via Telegraph.co.uk

Now that there's no chance in Hell you'll ever get rich....

The Washington Post's: The Millionaire Next Door  wants you to know that millionaires eat like you, dress like you, drive American cars, live in the same kind of house you do.

So, don't feel bad that the billionaires stole all your money, you're living like a millionaire!

except without insurance, dental care or a rainy day fund for you or your kids. But heyyy....    

IOUSA or how I learned to love being a serf in the Korporate Kingdom.

Hell, I say pass it on to the kids. It'll give them something to do.

Part 1 of 5 (see the rest on YouTube, ya lazy git)

On the other hand, I like the looks of Thriftville. Sleeping under the coconut trees, running around naked, eating raw fish.

Wait, isn't that some Tom Hanks movie?

Gambling on Politics

NY Times side by side comparison between Las Vegas slot machine and electronic voting machine. Select image to see enlargement.


Super Fast Robots Control Wall Street - Seek Sarah Connor

It may surprise you to learn that most of the stock trades in the U.S. are no longer being made by human beings, but by robot computers capable of buying and selling thousands of different securities in the time it takes you to blink an eye.

an earlier story from NPR' Planet Money : High Frequency Trading

High-frequency trading makes up 61 percent of the trades in U.S. stocks. That means 61 percent of trades are done every day by mindless computer robots making fractions of a penny in fractions of a second.

As far as I can tell, the only thing that's changed is the rich get richer even faster.

Remember boys and girls, casinos are not non-profit organizations. You may not always lose, but the house always wins.

No more Chocolate Cow?

Corn soared the 45-cent maximum limit allowed by the Chicago Board of Trade today to $5.7325 a bushel, the highest price since September 2008, after the U.S. Department of Agriculture on Oct. 8 cut its harvest forecast for the second time in two months. The December corn futures contract was up 43.25 cents, or 8.2 percent, at $5.715 a bushel at 10:51 a.m. in London. Wheat, soybean, rice and oat futures also rose. 

Procurement Leaders: US Faces Commodities Shortage

Experts have revealed that, in September, US businesses faced a shortage of key commodities including cocoa powder; capacitors; electronic components; lubricants; and titanium dioxide

Man, these people are too kinky..... 

But on a more serious note: I'm really gonna miss cornbread.

You'll have to pay for your own coke and whores from now on!

A note to the Egyptian God Amum: You have no idea how right you were.

Sci-Tech Today

Ancient scholars in Egypt, Mesopotamia and China fretted over the potential of early writing -- cutting symbols into stone and clay -- to upend the culture. Some of the earliest known written documents expressed the anxiety of some in Pharaonic Egypt that the written word would impair memory and turn humans into ignorant fools.

The Greek philosopher Plato revealed the fears some Egyptians expressed when he wrote of the Egyptian myth that the god Thoth invented writing and then boasted to the chief god, Amun, that it was an "elixir of memory and wisdom."

In reply, Amun predicted trouble for readers and writers.

He said it would cause forgetfulness in writers because they would not use their memory. Moreover, he predicted, readers would give only the appearance of knowing things while remaining "ignorant and hard to get along with, since they are not wise but only appear wise."


Why The Village Voice Rocks and WikiPedia Sucks. How Journalism is Supposed to Work.

The problem with history is, it's written by the winners.

What that inevitably means is the person or group with the most resources can squash, with impunity, them that are "without portfolio"; as they say in polite circles.

I'll admit I'm an iconoclast. There is not one icon or false idol that I don't want to see wrecked beyond repair. Not because they are inherently blasphemous. But because, in the end, icons and idols only serve to separate us from our true selves.

Those with political and monetary wealth (the winners in other words) set themselves up as idols. They cultivate a smooth, polished surface. A gloss of perfection and competence. That is what their money buys them.

And 9 times out of 10 the corruption that lies beneath will never see the light of day. The pit dwellers, the poor, those who never had a chance in the game of sperm and egg roulette, live their lives without the protective cocoon money affords the wealthy.
Daughter Linda and Daddy Bruce

When an average man seduces his grown daughter over the course of many years and is found out, his life becomes a circus. That is, unless he is isn't average. If, for instance, he is obscenely wealthy. Then he possesses the means to buy off and bully news outlets and "neutral" sources like Wikipedia. Make them eat their shit smeared "standards" and give thanks afterward that they were allowed to do so.

But you may want to thank whatever gods exist that there are still some who will not be bullied. People who think that the word ethics actually means something.

From Tony Ortega, editor in chief of the Village Voice: MEMO TO BRUCE McMAHAN, DAUGHTER-SEDUCER (UPDATED)

This Sunday, Deep Thought Answers the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe, and Everything

Sunday is 101010.

A numerical inevitability. Seriously, wait around long enough and numbers are going to line up in "significant" patterns; it's how the Universe tends to work.

But that doesn't mean the Universe is lacking a sense of humor.

101010 in base 10 is equivalent to the number 42.
Now if we can just figure out the question.

Optimistic Voices

A Cake With Pies Baked Inside of It

This is the Pumpple, consisting of apple and pumpkin pies "baked inside layers of chocolate and vanilla cake."

From Gawker

This Pumpple comes from The Flying Monkey Patisserie in Philadelphia. It is "held together" by vanilla buttercream, and everything is made from scratch.

I'll take 3. And a cup of black coffee to go, please. I like my sin straight up.....

The difference between perplexed and clueless is about 80 IQ points.

US Would Make Internet Wiretaps Easier. Hey! It's Shrub, in blackface.....

Now if somebody wants to treat American citizens like adults and give us a reason for needing to poke into our personal business, then we will determine whether the risk is worth it.

From ABC News      

The new regulations that would be sent to Congress next year would affect American and foreign companies that provide communications services inside the U.S. It would require service providers to make the plain text of encrypted conversations — over the phone, computer or e-mail — readily available to law enforcement, according to federal officials and analysts.

The mandate would likely require companies to add backdoors or other changes to the systems that would allow a wiretap to capture an unscrambled version of a conversation.

Those affected by the changes would include online services and networking sites such as Facebook and Skype, as well as phone systems that deliver encrypted e-mail such as BlackBerry.

Greenspan pretends the last thirty years did not happen.

With the Ghost of Ayn Rand hovering like the Devil on his shoulder.

"Former Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan said the U.S. fiscal deficit is “scary” and the federal government needs to cut spending on entitlements."

from: Bloomberg

Good old Milo Minderbinder; Chaos Capitalism at it's finest.

WikiPedia: Milo Minderbinder   He was the one to lead us all.

Senate probe links Afghan contractors to Taliban

"Richard Fontaine, a senior fellow at the Center for a New American Security, said the committee report “fills out a picture many have already suspected – that taxpayer dollars in Afghanistan at times end up in the hands of those we are fighting”.

If and when the US economy starts to show signs of improvement, speculators will drive up the cost of oil/gas, thus negating any improvement in the US economy.

Pardon me while my head explodes.

I got a call from Newt Gingrich's "Finish Off the Midddle Class" program this morning.

Somebody loves Newt.
Personally I find newts slimy.

My phone rang about 8:30 this morning.

The thing is, my phone never rings. Well, it rings infrequently. So I was startled.

We have some rescue kittens at the vet (to ensure fewer rescue kittens at a future date) and I'm supposed to fetch them today. So, I figured I'd better answer.


"Hi, this is Young Chipper, yet Pleasant Soothing Voice Guy. May I speak with The Curmudgeon of the house?"

"This is The Curmudgeon."

"I'm calling on behalf of Newt Gingrich...." 

Now at this point, I choke out a coughing noise, merging into an extended giggling fit.

"Okay...giggle.... I'll play along at home. Go ahead."

"Is this The Curmudgeon?"

"Oh yes, it's me. Go ahead."

"As I said, I'm calling on behalf of Newt Gingrich and...." 

The choking giggle bursts out again. It's like a Pavlovian Response. Whenever he says Newt Gingrich, there is a massive cognitive dissonance, followed quickly by an anxious wave. On a rational level, this makes no sense to me; so the  whole instantaneous sequence ends up tickling me.

I'm pretty sure he thinks I'm drunk. Either that or I have a massive girl crush on ol' Newt-y and since evidently this is going to keep happening, he soldiers on.

"Newt Gingrich..." an ever so brief pause, just in case, "is meeting with small business owners across the nation to see how he can help them out".

"Increase taxes on the wealthy." without missing a beat. Stepping right on the beginning of his next sentence.

"What?" says Young Chipper, yet Pleasant Soothing Voice Guy, but without so much chipper and a sconce less pleasant.

"Tax the Rich." I say patiently, as if I'm explaining it to a 12 year old in the midst of a soda and Wii binge. "End welfare for rich people."

Now it's his turn to giggle. Except, since he is Young Chipper, yet Pleasant Soothing Voice Guy and obviously a FON (friend of Newt) it has a nervous and very slightly derisive edge .

It's now evident, in his mind, that I've moved beyond drunk or addled all the way over to crazy. Or I'm crazy but trying to share an in-joke that has fallen quite flat. As the gears in his head are grinding, there is a little more substantial pause.

But I will give the young fellow props. He valiantly stays on script.

"Newt Gingrich has recorded a message he wants to share with you...."

"Not interested... Thank You." I say, just as I hang up.

Newt Gingrich....bloody hell, give me a break.