
1st Rule of the Jesus Fight Club?

NEVER talk about the Jesus Fight Club.

At the Greater New Zion Baptist Church approximately 30 police officers from five agencies were called to break up fights amongst 75 parishioners on  Sunday.

It's Poopy Time! It Makes Toilet Training Fun Time!

Marketing Genius

Internet Kill Switch? We don't need no stinkin' Internet Kill Switch.

The Curmudgeon can't be a party dude 24/7. Public Service is my middle name.

Okay, it's not my middle name. I mostly don't give a fuck about any of you. But those I actively dislike are generally the bullying sort. And while I don't care enough about most people to waste energy on them for good or ill, those I actively dislike I'd spend a little energy lifting a finger for.
The little guy- read: poor, powerless, fugly, minority, unlucky, stupid, lacking social connections, always gets screwed so them belonging to the lucky sperm and egg club or the ruthless climber club can have everything they want.

In Egypt, the little guy finally stood up after 30 years and said "Bugger all, I'm tired of this bullshit, let's have a government that works for the people." And the government responded: "Eat your broccoli and go directly to bed. No Intertubes for you."

But, being determined and scrappy, the protesters in Egypt found some creative ways around the internet shutdown. Fax, Morse Code, land line internet service.

If they had considered the possibility of a shutdown beforehand, they could have prepared.

Since the American Government is currently considering an Internet Kill Switch - to protect us from "the turrurist" ya know... wink, wink- you might be well served to consider some fairly easy work-arounds in advance of landing.


"Providing local information during an “internet kill switch”.

Due to recent events in Egypt and the speed of the shutdown. Most of these projects are open to contribution and further development.

And good old Anon offers this:

Then there's the dial up:
Free dial-up with software (ad driven, but free) if you can dial out of Egypt to the USA.

Login: Username: guest Password: password

Here is a few from the list:
Bainbridge: (206) 312-1000
Bainbridge: (206) 312-1500
Bainbridge: (206) 312-2500
Bainbridge: (206) 312-3700
Bellevue: (425) 786-1000
Bellevue: (425) 786-1111
Bellevue: (425) 786-7777
Bellevue: (425) 786-5073
DNS Servers: Primary: Secondary:

The obvious flaw here is the cost of an international call. Google Voice, however would take care of that.

Privacy software, much of it free.

Tor Project

Read more, learn more at the Electronic Frontier Foundation

Consider that my half-assed contribution to the cause. Now go away.


Stupid Future


Genghis the Green: Population Control By Any Means Necessary

Daily Mail

And this is how Genghis Khan, who repeatedly wiped out entire settlements, was able to scrub more carbon from the atmosphere than any other despot. 

‘We found that during the short events such as the Black Death and the Ming Dynasty collapse, the forest re-growth wasn't enough to overcome the emissions from decaying material in the soil,’ explained Pongratz
‘But during the longer-lasting ones like the Mongol invasion... there was enough time for the forests to re-grow and absorb significant amounts of carbon.’


You said it, I didn't.

Although the resemblance is striking.


Drunk Like Me

Sometimes the material just writes itself.....

From: ABC News Radio

Here are just a few examples of how these jungle dwellers imbibe like human bar flies:
  • They Get Hooked Young: Scientists have found that monkeys who are introduced to alcohol in their adolescence are more likely to drink more alcohol when they get older than those who stay dry.
  • Slaking a Stressed-Out Thirst: Monkeys will drink more heavily when in a stressful situation.
  • Slurring Their Speech: Monkeys' lips droop and their speech patterns are impaired by alcohol use.
  • Social Drinker or Teetotaler? Monkeys can fall into different patterns of drinking, including abstinence, social drinking, heavy drinking, and abusive drinking.
  • Intoxicating Inheritance: As with humans, monkeys can be genetically predisposed to alcoholism.
  • The Hangover: Monkeys don't bounce back after a bender; They get hangovers and those who drink constantly can develop liver disease.
  • Grand Theft Alcohol: Monkeys aren't above stealing when they want to get their drink on -- wild monkeys have been known to swipe cocktails from patrons at tropical resorts.

NASCAR State of the Union

You just know that people who have never watched a political speech in their lives are going to tune into the State of the Union Address just to see if those intermingled Congress-Critters are going to bust out brawling and set to wailin' on each other.

Courtesy: The Guardian


Death and Flatulence

Bristol, Connecticut

A Connecticut man is charged with stabbing a friend to death and wounding three bystanders at a party after a fight over his persistent flatulence.

Wouldn't you hate to be in prison for this? Yeah, the murder thing... bad. But for being gassy?
Broken Asphalt Dot Net


Catholic Bishops were warned in '97 not to report all child-abuse cases to police

via Associated Press
The letter undermines persistent Vatican claims, particularly when seeking to defend itself in U.S. lawsuits, that the church in Rome never instructed local bishops to withhold evidence or suspicion of crimes from police. It instead emphasizes the church's right to handle all child-abuse allegations, and determine punishments, in house rather than hand that power to civil authorities.
Signed by the late Archbishop Luciano Storero, Pope John Paul II's diplomat to Ireland, the letter instructs Irish bishops that their new policy of making the reporting of suspected crimes mandatory "gives rise to serious reservations of both a moral and canonical nature."
Now this is interesting because Ratzinger was appointed Cardinal-Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, on 25 November 1981 . As such, he would have directed how the cases were to be handled. And as Prefect, he determined what fell under the purview of canon law. Therefore, he would have told the Ambassador what to write.



Today's Theme: Toxic Waste

Definition of Irony: Toxic Sludge Candy..... Toxic

From the FDA

Circle City Marketing and Distributing doing business as Candy Dynamics, Indianapolis, IN, is issuing a voluntary recall of all Toxic Waste® brand Nuclear Sludge® Chew Bars, all flavors, Net wt. 0.7 oz (20 g) package. The product is imported from Pakistan.

A recent test performed by the California Department of Public Health has indicated that a lot (#8288A) of the cherry flavor of the above-listed product contains elevated levels of lead (0.24 parts per million; the U.S. FDA tolerance is 0.1 ppm) that potentially could cause health problems, particularly for infants, small children, and pregnant women.

Out of an abundance of caution, the company has determined to recall all lots and all flavors of the product distributed from the product's inception in 2007 through January 2011.

Okay, here's my question. Candy Dynamics is actually considering that there might be candy out there from 2007 that is still "edible"? Wow, I guess lead is an excellent preservative.


Humorous Threats to Politicians Blast From the Past

2002: It's a crime to tell a bad political joke. The good thing is, 37 months in prison should have given him some time to come up with better material.

2010: It was a JOKE! Don't you people have a sense of humor?

And please note that this is a Google Cache Page. If Ms. Palin feels she did nothing wrong, then why has anything with a hint of guns, bull-eyes or targeting people been pulled from the sites associated with her on the InterTubes?


How to Find Uranus With Your Fist.

from Space.com

For skywatchers looking up after nightfall on Sunday or Monday (Jan. 9 or 10), you'll be able to see a thickening crescent moon pass well to the north of the brilliant planet Jupiter. 
On Sunday evening, look toward the western sky and you'll see the moon with Jupiter shining about 7 degrees to its upper left. Your clenched fist held at arm's length measures roughly 10 degrees, so the distance separating Jupiter and the moon will measure almost three-quarters of a fist. 

You've got to be carefully taught.

You've got to be taught
To hate and fear,
You've got to be taught
From year to year,
It's got to be drummed
In your dear little ear
You've got to be carefully taught.
You've got to be taught to be afraid
Of people whose eyes are oddly made,
And people whose skin is a diff'rent shade,
You've got to be carefully taught.
You've got to be taught before it's too late,
Before you are six or seven or eight,
To hate all the people your relatives hate,
You've got to be carefully taught!

Rogers and Hammerstein  
from the musical South Pacific

Remembering the First Amendment


Well, Ronnie, Now We See Why.

Not that I consider Alex Jones a bastion of journalistic truth, but once in a while you get wind of something that makes a lot of other things make sense. Bob Chapman (former US counterintelligence) revealed on this morning's broadcast of the Alex Jones show, that Ronnie Boy was gay. (Although accuracy might suggest he was bi-sexual)

Not only that, he was a political switch hitter too.

Click image for link:


Become Outraged! The Curmudgeon's French Soul Mate.


Stéphane Hessel has become a best selling author, a worldwide sensation, practically overnight, with a simple 13 page tract. He's only asking for one thing:

"This is an appeal to citizens, young and old, to take responsibility for the things in our society that don't work," he said. "I wish every one of you to find your own reason for indignation. It's precious."

Become Outraged: A man after my own heart.


Karl Rove involved in Assange smear and burying information? Say it ain't so!

From Legal Schnauzer

Why then should Rove be interested in prosecuting Assange for sex crimes charges in Sweden? In order to protect the legacy of George W. Bush, the source said.

"Just the guy who leaked the documents, to the detriment of the Bush family the most, is also the guy that Bush's right hand can control by being the Swedish prime minister's brain and adviser to the intelligence and economic affairs," said the source to the Legal Schnauzer.