
Its a Teabagger Jihad: White Evangelical Protestants & Muslim Extremists

They're Cousins, Identical Cousins Don'tcha Know. 
Take this simple test to see if you can spot the difference.

A new study from the Pew Research Center shows that White evangelical Protestants are roughly five times more likely to agree with the Tea Party movement than to disagree with it.

By contrast, American Jews are nearly three times as likely to disagree with the movement.
Tea Party supporters are "much more likely than registered voters as a whole to say that their religion is the most important factor in determining their opinions on ... social issues" like abortion and same-sex marriage, according to the Pew analysis.

"They draw disproportionate support from the ranks of white evangelical Protestants," the analysis said of the Tea Party.

Scott Walker Bends Over For Koch, But Its The Workers Who End Up Screwed.

The BEAST's Ian Murphy prank calls Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker, posing as one half of the ultra-wealthy,  arch-conservative Koch brothers duo. As David Koch, he and Walker casually discuss crushing public unions.

Note that Scott Walker tells Koch he'd gladly accept a weekend getaway on his dime. Look, here comes an ethics violation!  And he freely admits that this really is just about cracking heads and union-busting.

Koch Brothers likeness from The Daily Beast

Partial Transcripts avail available from The Grist

But Ezra Klein points out something much more insidious, and unfortunately much more pervasive:

The state's Democratic senators can't get Walker on the phone, but someone can call the governor's front desk, identify themselves as David Koch, and then speak with both the governor and his chief of staff? That's where you see the access and power that major corporations and wealthy contributors will have in a Walker administration...

So, as usual, the politicians will bend over for it, but it's the working class that ends up screwed.


Teachable Moments for Governor Scott Walker


Why I've never trusted Disney


Is It Wrong To Make My Kids Starve Because I Bought This Big Ass Gun?

(mike lewis comments on the wisdom of Big Government's "Family Budget")

The other day, I was sitting round listening to my kids squalling about how they're "sooo hungry". How they're "needing to see a doctor." How we can't afford heat or how we can't afford to go to a good school...

But everytime I hear thier squallin', I just grab my big ass gun and start a shootin'.... wooo hooo... Man is this thing loud....

My wife said that we are spending too much on bullets but I said, "You can't eat bread when your dead!!!" That shuts that biatch up real fast... that and a good slap (not too hard mind ya, she ain't got no medical neither).

So the other day, I was talking to one of my employees... he's a libral so I'd like to fire his ass but I can't cause he's the only one who works beside these damn illegal mexicans... and he said that I as the boss should pay taxes to help pay for the roads that my truck drives on, to pay for the lights that lights them at night, the police who patrols them, the medical workers who need them to get to me if I accidentally shoot myself in the foot again... he says I should be taxed more than him because I have more and make more than 300X his salary... and you know what I said...

"Fuck you, I'm just going to cut your pay and gut your benefits!!!" And off I went to fire my big ass gun... oh and by the way, that dumb bastard is going to get a nice surprise when he finds out I spent his pension on oil for my big ass gun...


You Have Reached the End of the Internet.

Salon explains what many of us already know. The internet is running out of IP (internet provider) addresses.

Sort of like when we ran out of phone numbers due to the explosion of cell phones. They fixed that by giving us more numbers to dial and providing us with crappy digital television so that the bandwidth taken up by analog TV could be sold for a handsome profit...but I digress.

I wonder how they'll screw us now that we've reached the End of the Internet?