

Intimate Self-Exam Simplified

Newt Gingrich's Frothing, Rabid Dumbassery

Politco reports on Newt's recent visit to a Texas MegaChurch.

Here he confided to the congregation that he feared the United States could become

“a secular atheist country, potentially one dominated by radical Islamists,”

Hate to break it to you, snooks, but you can't be dominated by a radical religious group if you are a secular atheist country.

But that's pretty much on par with his logic regarding whose infidelity is worthy of attention. It seems that his multiple divorces (he asked one poor spouse for a divorce while she was hospitalized for issues related to her cancer) are not newsworthy. In his view, lying under oath is a heinous crime, but cheating on your spouses is... meh...

Especially since one of the many affairs was: “partially driven by how passionately I felt about this country.”


If NASA Had Spent All That Money Developing Computer Games Instead of Rocket Ships

think how much less drug use there would have been...


Listen, before we start this "Drill Here, Drill Now, Pay Less" bullshit up again...

Let me make it simple for you asshats:

Q: Who will be drilling here for this cheap oil?
A: It sure as Hell won't be "America". It will be Oil Companies like BP (as in Gulf Coast) or Exxon (as in Valdese).

These Oil Corporations that will be taking the oil out of our ground, refining it and selling it are multi-national. The oil market is a world oil market. Every drop they extract from our reserves enters into that market.  

There is no 'our' oil.

Go ahead, put even more money in the rich man's pocket.
