
Hersey's New Nostalgia Wrappers

Nostalgic for what? Rampant Unemployment, Widespread Hunger?


Gay Dumb-assery

Gay Marriage Ban Impinges on the Civil Rights of Dumbasses

Any real Libertarian worth his salt would tell the government of keep their freakin' nose out of people's personal life. And any real Conservative should want the same thing.

But instead, those squalling crybabies are so threatened by the mere idea of some guy wanting to stick his penis within 2 feet of another guy's ass or face that they end up screwing the pooch instead. Their wives should divorce them take up with real men.

And speaking of putting a penis in an inopportune place: I don't think that means what you think it means, Senator Buttars


If Life Begins at Conception then God is the Biggest Abortionist of All.

Fact: some researchers estimate the number of spontaneous abortions around the world to account for 50% of all pregnancies. Estimates for the US are about 25%.

If human life begins at conception as some would suggest, then the Christian God is the biggest abortionist of all, murdering over 25% of "his American children" before they've had a chance to be born, and murdering 50% of his children around the world sometime between conception and a live birth.

Illustration: Jesus Fetus from

FetusMart: the Magical Land of Fetuses


Here, At The Bottom Of The Shit Heap

First, DHS wants to shut down internet sites so Wall St. won't be inconvenienced when we all get the H1N1. Now the CDC is giving Wall St. H1N1 vaccines ahead of high risk groups. Do you see where the fuck you are in the pecking order, peasants?

Keeping Wall Street Safe at the expense of Pregnant Women, Children and the sickly

Now bow to your wealthy Masters.
